MM Does Slam Dunk

A few weekends ago we attended our very first festival, Slam Dunk, providing festival goers with a mental health hub. Our vision with getting Mad Millennials on the festival scene was all down to the lack of services that are dedicated to supporting mental health at festival which can be very overwhelming and stressful environments.

We designed our mental health hub to be a safe space where anyone could come and take some time out, engage in mindful activities, pick up relevant resources and of course find someone to talk to.

Reasons why we think ALL festivals need MM mental health hubs:

➡️ Festivals can be incredible places, of escapism, euphoria and energy but they can also be overwhelming and overstimulating

➡️ No one has started to fully represent this space before to alleviate pressure from medical services and welfare tents

➡️ Crowded spaces can cause some people to panic, we are trained to de-escalate and safeguard accordingly

➡️ There are thousands of people at festivals, it can be very easy to loose friends, people can safely wait with us or use it as a meeting point

We met so many lovely people, some who were generous enough to share their experiences, stories, challenges and more. The feedback has been so positive that we are aiming to increase our festival presence with a few more festivals this year. Stay tuned!

Now, during Slam Dunk we had a few competitions going and we are excited to announce that the winners have been contacted! We hope you enjoy your prizes.

In the meantime keep an eye out for our next festival appearance.

Much love,

Char, Kim, Mai and Catrin